Renters Insurance in and around Clifton Park
Renters of Clifton Park, State Farm can cover you
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

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Home Is Where Your Heart Is
No matter what you're considering as you rent a home - number of bathrooms, furnishings, internet access, house or condo - getting the right insurance can be essential in the event of the unpredictable.
Renters of Clifton Park, State Farm can cover you
Renting a home? Insure what you own.

There's No Place Like Home
The unpredictable happens. Unfortunately, the stuff in your rented home, such as a coffee maker, a bed and a set of golf clubs, aren't immune to fire or accident. Your good neighbor, agent Lee Serino, is passionate about helping you know your savings options and find the right insurance options to protect your belongings from the unexpected.
It's always a good idea to be prepared. Reach out to State Farm agent Lee Serino for help understanding savings options for your rented unit.
Have More Questions About Renters Insurance?
Call Lee at (518) 371-0377 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
How to choose a neighborhood that is right for you
How to choose a neighborhood that is right for you
The trick to choosing a neighborhood to live in is to figure out what matters to you and to do thorough research.
Help control your home monitoring system with your smartphone
Help control your home monitoring system with your smartphone
The latest generation of smart home monitoring goes far beyond smoke detection and intrusion alerts.

Simple Insights®
How to choose a neighborhood that is right for you
How to choose a neighborhood that is right for you
The trick to choosing a neighborhood to live in is to figure out what matters to you and to do thorough research.
Help control your home monitoring system with your smartphone
Help control your home monitoring system with your smartphone
The latest generation of smart home monitoring goes far beyond smoke detection and intrusion alerts.